Hey, I’m Eve

Hey, I’m Eve. I live in England & I write on the internet. Dog walks, country pubs and a good film are my go-to's. I run a newsletter business called the Part-Time Creator Club. I write on Medium. I work 9–5.

My writing

I’ve been writing on the internet for the last 3 years. To be completely frank, writing saved me. Before writing I was dancing around trying (& failing) all sorts of businesses. I hit 25, was at peak misery and started writing about my life. Or rather, the sad state of my career. 

I had no idea what I wanted to do, I’d taken all the right steps and to my disbelief, I was chronically miserable. I decided I had to do something about it (the Netflix and constant berating myself wasn’t working) so I wrote my way out of it. I wrote a book and then another one. I wrote 800+ articles. Over the last 3 years, I’ve written over 1 million words on the internet. And then, I stumbled upon the business of writing. 

The business of writing 

After tapping away for a few years, 6 months ago I started to understand the mechanics of writing. The business side to this tapping away thing. The value of a good landing page, how to optimise your CTA, and how to link ideas to compel people to click. And weirdly, I started making money. I read books, launched a course, learned a bunch and found that I really loved talking about the business writing stuff. 

I’m working this thing out

I write a lot. But I find I want to write more. I’m low-key obsessed. It’s fine. The trouble is, my newsletter (Part-Time Creator Club) is a weekly affair. I think that’s reasonable. I tap away over on Medium but the stories are limited to 4 min reads and I can’t squeeze everything I want to say in 800 words. So I started writing on here more, and people seemed to like it. So I’m trying this Substack thing out more. 

How it works (so far):

You’ll get the most out of this newsletter by signing up for the paid version. It’s $1.25 a week. Every now and then I’ll post free stuff. 

By signing up for the paid version you’ll get a Sunday breakdown of the experiments I’m running, quarterly reviews of the Part-Time Creator club & access to all my new writing. 

Subscribe to Nourish

Writing that nourishes the mind.


Writing about running experiments for my newsletter Part-Time Creator Club on my other newsletter Part-Time Experiments.