Most people think they need to A** to get attention.
Create the top 0.1% of content
Pull a top 0.2% marketing stunt
Become a thought-leading
The truth? Top performers aren’t paying attention to that stuff.
Instead, they are doing something entirely different. ✅
Pat Walls went from working 9-to-5 to building a $2.5M business.
He uses something I call the ‘more-model’.
What started as an ambition to make $3,000 a month in ad revenue (to get him out of debt) spiraled into a multimillion-dollar empire.
Here’s how he did it👇
Step 1: Nail your free content
For the longest time, Pat wasn’t on YouTube.
Instead, he built his brand through Reddit and Twitter — when he shifted to YouTube, he exploded. Today he’s got 116 videos and 472k subscribers.
If you get it right, your free content is sooooo good that people think two things:
a) I got so much value out of that, I feel like I owe something in return (reciprocity)
b) If the free content is THIS good, I bet his paid stuff is incredible
Just take a look at his most popular videos…
1.6M views, 1.2M views, 1.2M views, 1M views — people love his free stuff
(ohh and btw notice anything consistent in his top performing videos? ‘I’ is a powerful word).
Once you’ve done this, the next step is easy…